My Approach to Digital Strategy: Designing for the “Who” Behind the Product

As a product manager, entrepreneur, and creative, my approach to digital strategy is centered on designing for the “who” behind the product, rather than just the product itself. I believe that truly successful digital experiences are those that deeply understand and cater to the needs, behaviors, and motivations of the end user.

Too often, digital products and services are developed with a myopic focus on features and functionality, without a clear understanding of the people who will be using them. This leads to solutions that may technically work, but fail to resonate or drive meaningful engagement. [1][2][3]

In contrast, my approach starts by thoroughly researching and profiling the target audience. Who are they? What are their pain points, goals, and frustrations? How do they currently interact with similar products or services? By building a rich, empathetic understanding of the “who”, I’m able to design digital experiences that intuitively meet their needs and deliver genuine value. [4][5]

This user-centric mindset permeates every aspect of my digital strategy, from information architecture and interaction design to content strategy and visual branding. I strive to create cohesive, seamless experiences that guide users effortlessly towards their objectives, while also subtly reinforcing my personal brand and areas of expertise.

Ultimately, my focus on the “who” is what allows me to develop digital solutions that don’t just work on a functional level, but truly resonate with and delight the people using them. It’s an approach that has served me well in my product management and entrepreneurial endeavors, and one that I’m excited to bring to my professional website and online presence.
