Thanks for visiting I hope you find the site to be an encouragement to your inner dreamer, an inspiration to your entrepreneurial spirit, and a useful resource for the future leader inside you.

One of my favorite feelings is seeing an idea I thought up come to life. Rarely does it look anything like the original idea when it does, but that’s the point – the process that the idea goes through to be vetted for product-market fit is a path riddled with setback, failure, and heartbreak.

It need not be that way for you, however. I share my hard-earned learnings with my audience through five primary channels:

The Blog: “From 0 to 1”

The blog focuses on becoming fundamentally sound as an entrepreneur. How much value does an idea have? Should I make everyone sign an NDA? When can I raise money? How do I get someone to build it for me? How do I get paying customers? What do I do if no one is using/subscribing/buying?

The answers to these questions draw from disparate disciplines including psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, game theory, and of course, technology. As a former Entrepreneur in Residence at 1789 Venture Lab in Chapel Hill, NC, a TA at Kenan Flagler Business School, and a founder of a funded tech startup, we’ll cover the keys that you need to know in order to move forward in your venture with confidence.

The Podcast: “Infinite Innovation”

The podcast teaches how to develop your innovation lens that sees the world as abounding with opportunities to be capitalized on. We adopt cross-cultural thinking, reference points, and symbols to make connections between ideas that were previously unrelated — expanding our horizons as we leave our present context to see our society and economy from an outsider’s perspective.

We also introduce new concepts, frameworks, and exercises that challenge us to perceive and evaluate the world in new ways. In addition, we analyze trends in business, culture, and technology to stay at the cutting edge of progress and innovation.

Check us out on Spotify.

The Newsletter: “Soft Skills in Tech”

This newsletter is intended to be a sort of manifesto on how to keep the humanity in the entrepreneurship and technology industries. While we cover the basics including collaboration, communication, and leadership; we focus on more advanced topics related to conflict resolution, influence, negotiation, game theory, empathy, creativity, problem solving, and team dynamics.

Individuals that master these skills are in strong demand in technology, and entrepreneurs that have high emotional intelligence quotients outperform their high IQ counterparts.

Try out the weekly newsletter today, for free.

1 on 1 Coaching: Expert Sessions

I am available for one on one coaching sessions for those looking for more individualized feedback. I cover a range of topics including venture feasibility analysis, fundraising strategy, Product Management career coaching, growth hacking, copywriting/marketing, and soft-skills practice.

Talent For Hire

I do work contracts as a Senior Product Owner / Senior Product Manager in both W2 and Corp to Corp capacities. Connect with me on LinkedIn to start the conversation!

Check out Our Story

Don’t miss the story of my humble beginnings and first entry into tech entrepreneurship in the Our Story page.